Because there were a few issues with the recording from Sunday, September 23, those videos (Praise/Worship & the Service) are now available online on our YouTube channel! The videos are below as well (please click "read more" to view them), but please be sure to support our channel!
Once again, the DVD for September 23 will not be available. Our apologies for any confusion &/or inconvenience this causes.
Thank you for all of your support in 2011! Our mission for 2012 remains to give you the opportunity to stay in touch with us & to be involved in what we're doing for God, as well as develop your own personal walk with God! We appreciate your visits to our site & hope you enjoy what we have planned this year! God bless!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Message from September 23
praise and worship,
September 23 service
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Dance Like David!
I'll dance like David before the Lord!!! For my redeemer lives and shall
deliver me from all my trials!!!! David didn't care who saw him dancing
for he was so caught up in the Spirit of the True and living God...
Read more to be blessed & to get your praise on!!
Read more to be blessed & to get your praise on!!
meditate and reflect,
praise and worship
No Fear: Ordinary people can now hold a conversation with God
Luke 2
Luke 2:52 ~ And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man."
every time an angel appears in the Bible, his first words are, “Don’t
be afraid!” Little wonder. When the supernatural makes contact with
planet Earth, the human observers usually end up flat on their faces in
Read more to find out!
holding a conversation with God,
Luke 2,
Should we ask for a sign to prove God’s will?
Genesis 24:14 ~ Now
let it be that the young woman to whom I say, ‘Please let down your
pitcher that I may drink,’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I will also give
your camels a drink’—let her be the one You have appointed for Your servant Isaac. And by this I will know that You have shown kindness to my master.”
genesis 24:14,
God's will,
Monday, August 13, 2012
Women's Ministry Survey
Please oblige us by completing the survey below (use the scroll bar to see the whole document)! This is so that we can get a good idea of the needs of the ladies in our ministry, as well as discover how we can help not only others, but ourselves! If you prefer to return the survey by email or to the church, please click the "Read More" link at the end of this post to download a copy! Please be sure to complete the survey & get it back to us as quickly as possible if you are downloading it!
women's ministry
Women's Ministry
Yesterday at church, we passed out member cards for all of the ladies in our ministry, ages 16 & up, to complete & get back to us. We will be starting a women's ministry in the coming weeks & would like to be able to service all of you as best as we possibly can. Remember, as Sister Russ mentioned, this is YOUR ministry; we want your input & we want you to be involved as much as possible! This will be a tremendous blessing for us all, but we do need you! So get those cards back to us as soon as possible so we can begin our survey process! If you didn't get a card yesterday or if you need another one, please download a copy below & return to us either by email ( or at the church!
Member Card
*Instructions: For full screen viewing, just click the "Fullscreen" button beneath the document (all the way to the right). To download a copy to your computer, click the "Dowload" button beneath the document! Any questions, please drop us a line!
*Instructions: For full screen viewing, just click the "Fullscreen" button beneath the document (all the way to the right). To download a copy to your computer, click the "Dowload" button beneath the document! Any questions, please drop us a line!
member cards,
women's ministry
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Ready to lose weight?

The Biggest Loser is looking for teenagers for
the weight loss opportunity of a LIFETIME!
I got this email from the Biggest Loser TV show earlier & I thought I'd share. I know a lot of people struggle with weight (me included) so it's great that there are programs out there to help! I watch the show all the time & it's encouraging to watch people transform, not only physically & mentally, but many of them spiritually! Here's the email:
"We are looking for amazing teenagers who are ready to start living a
healthier lifestyle and are willing to put in the hard work and
dedication it will take to get there!
If you have at least 60 lbs to lose and are between the ages of 13 and 17, we strongly encourage you to apply!
If you have at least 60 lbs to lose and are between the ages of 13 and 17, we strongly encourage you to apply!
the biggest loser tv show,
weight loss
Monday, August 6, 2012
Pastor Crockett's trip to Haiti
Pastor Crockett returned from Haiti a couple of last week & he came back with stories of victory & amazement from the people there who love God! It was a blessing to hear about people walking miles & hours to hear the message that Pastor Crockett would be delivering! The people there may not have the amenities that we are used to in the US, but they have something that we should all strive to have, especially in the body of Christ: unparalleled determination! More to come on his trip!
pastor crockett
My new favorite song!
I heard this song in church on Saturday afternoon. I'd never heard it before (I simply don't listen to the radio) & because the praise team sung it so amazingly, I ABSOLUTELY HAD to find it! Thanks to my big sis, I found it on iTunes, downloaded it then played it over & over! I decided to try to find it on YouTube to share with my family... so here you are! Enjoy... it's one of those songs you can listen to on those days when you seem to think you just can't make it through another minute... suddenly, you begin to think back on all the other times you felt the same way (y'all know every heartache we go through seems to be completely unbearable) & you realize that you made it because God brought you out of whatever that situation was! God is still able & He will continue to keep "Pullin' Me (& you) Through"! Hallelujah!
praise and worship,
Pullin Me Through,
Todd Dulaney
Friday, July 13, 2012
More from NikkiMae2003
I was watching another of Mae's videos & ran across these precious gems sitting off to the side! The first one is her singing "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus"; the second is about an online prayer ministry that she started about a year ago! Enjoy; it's beautiful!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Just thought I'd share this video I found today! I was actually looking at this girl's videos because I love her hair, but I ran across this video & now I know why I found her site last night! Hope you enjoy Nikki Mae as much as I did!
The Savior is Waiting
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Anointed 315
I know these special ladies won't mind me posting this!! Please support Danielle & Brittany!! Watch their video, "Like" it, leave them an encouraging word & share this video! They are truly anointed; this video proves it! Way to go, ladies!!!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Featured Couple - Mitchell & Wanda Morgan
Our featured couple Q&A is finally ready for reveal! Please take a look at what what they have to say about being in a committed relationship, staying in love with each other & God & how to make a marriage work - the right way!
Just click on the "Featured Couple" link to the left of the "Love & Marriage" page! And by all means, be sure to check out the other posts!
Mitchell Morgan,
successfully married,
Wanda Morgan
Happy Birthday Pastor Crockett!!
Please help us wish our wonderful pastor a very happy 62nd birthday! He's an amazing man of God with a kind heart, a lighthearted spirit & a love for people!
Happy birthday, Pastor Crockett! We love you!!!
happy birthday,
pastor crockett
Sis. Russ leads fellowship @ Ministry of Reconciliation
Please support Sister L'Tanya Russ tomorrow, Monday, April 23 as she brings the Word of God at the Ministry of Reconciliation Fellowship, located at 6785 Goya Avenue in Baton Rouge, LA at 6pm. You don't want to miss this; you will be blessed! Directions, map & front view of the building is below.
If you take Florida Street from I-110, make a left on North Donmoor Avenue; Goya Avenue will be a few streets down on the left. The church is located on the right side of Goya.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Family & Friends Day 2012
friends and family day
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Good Friday & Easter Sunday
In our April newsletter, we discussed Good Friday & Easter Sunday. I promised to bring you information on the origins of Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ & what the Lord's Supper means for Christians. As a little nugget, I'm also posting about the day Jesus was crucified. Well, here goes! In case you missed the newsletter, please click here to read it first!
Question: "What is the importance of the Lord's supper/Christian Communion?"
Answer: A study of the Lord’s Supper is a soul-stirring experience because of the depth of meaning it contains. It was during the age-old celebration of the Passover on the eve of His death that Jesus instituted a significant new fellowship meal that we observe to this day. It is an integral part of Christian worship. It causes us to remember our Lord’s death and resurrection and to look for His glorious return in the future.
The Passover was the most sacred feast of the Jewish religious year. It commemorated the final plague on Egypt when the firstborn of the Egyptians died and the Israelites were spared because of the blood of a lamb that was sprinkled on their doorposts. The lamb was then roasted and eaten with unleavened bread. God’s command was that throughout the generations to come the feast would be celebrated. The story is recorded in Exodus 12.
During the Last Supper—a Passover celebration—Jesus took a loaf of bread and gave thanks to God. As He broke it and gave it to His disciples, He said, “’This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you’” (Luke 22:19-21). He concluded the feast by singing a hymn (Matthew 26:30), and they went out into the night to the Mount of Olives. It was there that Jesus was betrayed, as predicted, by Judas. The following day He was crucified.
Question: "What is the importance of the Lord's supper/Christian Communion?"
Answer: A study of the Lord’s Supper is a soul-stirring experience because of the depth of meaning it contains. It was during the age-old celebration of the Passover on the eve of His death that Jesus instituted a significant new fellowship meal that we observe to this day. It is an integral part of Christian worship. It causes us to remember our Lord’s death and resurrection and to look for His glorious return in the future.
The Passover was the most sacred feast of the Jewish religious year. It commemorated the final plague on Egypt when the firstborn of the Egyptians died and the Israelites were spared because of the blood of a lamb that was sprinkled on their doorposts. The lamb was then roasted and eaten with unleavened bread. God’s command was that throughout the generations to come the feast would be celebrated. The story is recorded in Exodus 12.
During the Last Supper—a Passover celebration—Jesus took a loaf of bread and gave thanks to God. As He broke it and gave it to His disciples, He said, “’This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you’” (Luke 22:19-21). He concluded the feast by singing a hymn (Matthew 26:30), and they went out into the night to the Mount of Olives. It was there that Jesus was betrayed, as predicted, by Judas. The following day He was crucified.
April 2012 Newsletter,
easter sunday,
good friday,
origins of easter,
resurrection day,
the Lord's supper,
when was Jesus crucified
Sunday, April 1, 2012
April 2012 Newsletter
Our April 2012 Newsletter is now available. Please click below to download your copy*! You may also email us to receive a copy, pick one up from our church or simply view the document full screen* right here! For more on Good Friday & Easter Sunday, please click here!
*See instructions below!
April 2012 Newsletter
Isaiah 45:8 “Rain down, you heavens, from above, And let the skies pour down righteousness; let the earth open, let them bringforth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together.
Instructions: For full screen viewing, just click the "Fullscreen" button beneath the document. To down a copy to your computer, click the button beneath the document that looks like a cloud! Any questions, please drop us a line!
*See instructions below!
April 2012 Newsletter
Isaiah 45:8 “Rain down, you heavens, from above, And let the skies pour down righteousness; let the earth open, let them bringforth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together.
Instructions: For full screen viewing, just click the "Fullscreen" button beneath the document. To down a copy to your computer, click the button beneath the document that looks like a cloud! Any questions, please drop us a line!
April 2012 Newsletter,
Friday, March 23, 2012
Ladies' Fellowship Tonight!
Our Ladies' Fellowship is tonight, Friday, March 23 @ 7pm!
Lo-Debar ~ It's a place of desolation, despair, heartache, pain, deprivation, hopelessness & devastation. It's uninhabited, barren, dismal, dreary, forsaken, abandoned & lifeless!
Now ladies, we always have a lot going on - family, work & all the other many obligations. Besides that, we sometimes add unnecessary burdens on ourselves: “I need to lose weight”, “I don’t think I’m good enough”, etc. We tend to lose sight of what’s important in life & sometimes find ourselves in a place of despair, hopelessness, confusion. Well, that’s not what God wants! Take a journey with us & find your way out!
- Background Study: 1 Samuel 18-20, 2 Samuel 4:4 (Mephibosheth)
- Fellowship Study: 2 Samuel 9 (Sought, Seek, Spoke, Spared)
- Meditation: God is Able - Come out!
- Jehovah Rophe ~ Healer
- Jehovah Nissi ~ Banner
- Jehovah Jireh ~ Provider
- Something to Remember: Romans 4:20-21, John 10:9, Psalms 23:2
1 samuel 18-20,
2 samuel 4 and 9,
john 10:9,
ladies' fellowship,
psalms 23:2,
romans 4:20-21,
Friday, March 16, 2012
Men's Fellowship Tonight!
Our Men's Fellowship is tonight, Friday, March 16 @ 7pm!
Courage ~ The confidence to act in accordance with one's beliefs, especially in spite of criticism. The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc. without fear. Bravery!
It is plain that there is no separate essence called courage, no cup or
cell in the brain, no vessel in the heart containing drops or atoms that
make or give this virtue; but it is the right or healthy state of every
man, when he is free to do that which is constitutional to him to do.
"Courage" from Society and Solitude (1870), Ralph Waldo Emerson
deuteronomy 31:6,
joshua 1:9,
men's fellowship,
Psalm 27:14,
psalm 31:24,
ralph waldo emerson,
society and solitude
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
March 2012 Newsletter Available
Our March 2012 Newsletter is now available. Please click below to download your copy*! You may also email us to receive a copy, pick one up from our church or simply view the document full screen* right here!
*See instructions below!
Proverbs 27:17 ~ As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Instructions: For full screen viewing, just click the "Fullscreen" button beneath the document. To down a copy to your computer, click the button beneath the document that looks like a cloud! Any questions, please drop us a line!
*See instructions below!
Proverbs 27:17 ~ As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Instructions: For full screen viewing, just click the "Fullscreen" button beneath the document. To down a copy to your computer, click the button beneath the document that looks like a cloud! Any questions, please drop us a line!
March 2012 newsletter,
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Men's & Ladies' Fellowship in March
Please join us at Zion Field for our Men's & Ladies' Fellowship!
Friday, March 16, 2012 @ 7pm ~ Men's Fellowship "Courage"
Friday, March 23, 2012 @ 7pm ~ Ladies' Fellowship "A Place Called Lo-debar"
Come & be blessed with us!
Friday, March 16, 2012 @ 7pm ~ Men's Fellowship "Courage"
Friday, March 23, 2012 @ 7pm ~ Ladies' Fellowship "A Place Called Lo-debar"
Come & be blessed with us!
ladies' fellowship,
men's fellowship
Thank you!
Thank you so much for your patience as we move all of our content to our new site. Currently, when you visit our old site, you are automatically redirected to this one; you may also click on the link provided on the old home page. By Summer 2012, our old site should be completely dissolved & typing in the URL or using your already saved bookmark to our site, should bring you directly to this one!
Please know that it is our goal to make our website user-friendly, being easy to navigate through. If you have any questions or suggestions, if there is anything you'd like to see here that we don't offer or anything that we had once that you can't find, please feel free to drop us a line!
Thank you again for your patience! Be blessed!
Please know that it is our goal to make our website user-friendly, being easy to navigate through. If you have any questions or suggestions, if there is anything you'd like to see here that we don't offer or anything that we had once that you can't find, please feel free to drop us a line!
Thank you again for your patience! Be blessed!
summer 2012,
updated website
Thursday, January 19, 2012
New Edition to the Family
Everyone needs a laugh & while I can't promise Comedy Central type
laughter, I can promise a little smile when you need one! Go ahead... take a peek :-)
new edition,
Love & Marriage Update
Whether you're getting married, newlyweds or an old married couple, visit our weddings page to find out how to allow God into the love you share!
Inspiration Update
Be Inspired by the Word! Need a miracle? Need more faith, love? Read this & be blessed!
TLC Update
One Final Meal Together: The longest night of Jesus' life Check this out & be blessed!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Children's Ministry Christmas 2011
Enjoy our kids as they enjoy the wonderful gifts they were blessed with!
It was so much fun to see the smiles on their faces as they unwrapped
their surprises!
children's ministry,
merry christmas,
toy giveaway,
Saturday, January 14, 2012
2011 Tithes/Offering Statements
Your 2011 tithe & offering statements are now available. Please click here for more information!
2012 First Edition Newsletter
Our first 2012 newsletter is NOW available! If you'd like to begin
receiving a PDF copy of our newsletter delivered right to your inbox, please sign up! You may pick one up at our ministry beginning Sunday, January 15 or click below to download it!
January 2012 Newsletter
happy new year,
January 2012 newsletter,
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